The Importance of Self Awareness on the Path to Glory


Man is the greatest creation of God which has a potential of ascendance and decadence by virtue of deeds. He has arrived on the planet with certain needs, which require fulfillment until he moves to an elevated level. Path to ascendance is motivated by growth and elevation while consistent improvement leads to elevation, mean while” results” boost energy to keep moving. He certainly moves from the level of basic needs to psychological needs eventually to the level of self actualization.

Elevation certainly comes with sequence of assessments, clearing one trial moves man to the next one with an award of being one’s own higher self. Everybody comes in the world with chances and choices; everybody finds a chance to make choice for what he wants to be; while his actions set pattern to lead him reach the point where he actually finds himself standing. It is` the choice, made at any point of time, ultimately responsible for occurrence of the outcome.

Attaining the glory to elevate requires courage, determination, patience and persistence to keep moving towards the aimed objective. Consistency to be in constant uplift comes with awareness; awareness comes with pain and pain is felt as a result of ceaseless motion. This pain opens a door for the physicalised soul, bringing out peak performance followed by successful silence with an increased determination to keep moving.

An ever increasing awareness is constantly needed to remain on the path to glory. Constant observation, self induced inquiry and critical analysis of spiritual performance widens the doors for consciousness and self awareness. The self awareness acquired on the trail of trials permits sacred light of divine wisdom stick with the “aware” individual. He begins to receive signals from everything around him. Such an established channel for reception of acknowledgements builds an affiliation with the creator; affiliation with the creator leads to association, which leads to his love. This journey from affiliation to association till “love” is supported by divine wisdom; which coheres with the reception channel of that “aware” individual to lead him towards self-actualization.

Being self actualized necessarily means, individual is ready to accept his own flaws like he follows flaws in somebody else without letting them affect both- personal growth and relationships. Biases exist in personality as a result of experiences; this biasness builds narratives through inductive reasoning. Narratives lead to emotions; a truly self actualized person, on the course to awareness, recognizes and adjusts accordingly when his own inductive reasoning is leading him astray from reality. Undergoing various developmental changes, imposing self regulation over emotions and behaviors followed by adoption of analytical and logical reasoning as well as keen eye on fine details aids in overcoming biases and narrative buildups. Positive mind set and active approach are the ways to reach self realization.

“Self Aware” individual with an established reception system for receiving divine signals from all around is needed to be in the state of self control and utmost submission before the creator- all the times. Such a person, in possession of self control, finds himself detained in “love” of his creator. Love of “creator” appears to be the most valuable asset for lover, which he is un-willing to give in. Lover, in that frame of reference becomes “God’s hand” possessing the power to take most significant of the decisions in most critical of the times. Even a glance of such an “elevated” lover stands capable of ”changing destinies”, but “lover” honors this happily for himself to give in his power of decision back to his “creator”.

Submission and utmost self control drive “aware” individual on the path of being an obvious difference from people around him. He grows “blessed”, possessing his own elegance letting him reach individuation and self actualization. Pain and suffering experienced on the path to glory and individuation seams quite a little. This pain resides as the most valued earning of self actualized individual. Determined efforts accompanied by self reflection are lavishly awarded by “end result”; joy of living with self.

Individuation however is a complete developmental process involving certain stages like ego, shadow, persona and anima. Ego stands conscious mind’s organizer, shadow pertains to unconscious aspect, persona refers to adoption of social mask in response to environmental needs and anima relates male-female contradictions in the personality. Aware individual finds himself encircled in continuous confrontation between conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious aspects in the form of a dialogue yielding self analysis ultimately leading him close to perfection. Self reflection, self talk and analysis become key part of personality in the course to individuation, bringing out the remolded and more authentic “self”.

With self control, discipline, consistency and courage to move on the established path of glory with awareness surrounded by constant self analysis, man finds himself true emblem of a sine wave depicting him in constant motion. Every single instant of time describes a new self, radiating energy of a different frequency and significant wavelength; such peculiar path tracing like that of a sine wave however is necessarily needed to constantly establish his posture of self analysis and to consistently keep him on his toes. Stagnancy, at that point of time, begins to haunt him and he energizes himself with result oriented journey to the creator. The quest from creation to creator, drive alongside the creator, journey with creator in creation back to his own self is the ultimate and never ending expedition which is continued and will remain so.

Positivity Catalyst

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